The Descendents of WILLIAM INKSON ABT 1804 - 1852

William Inkson was born, lived and died in Kings Lynn, Norfolk, England. We are fairly certain that he was one of the children of the Inkson - Harborow marriage of 1801 because his baptism record states that he is the son of 'Thomas and Ann Inkson' and they are the only couple with those names known at this time. In adult life he was a butcher like his father Thomas.

We knew from the 1851 census that he and Sarah Ann, his wife, had at least eight children : three boys and five girls. Since then we have found the records for another girl who died in infancy. Only the second son, Thomas Harborow, is known to have descendents into the 21st century. A lot more work has to be done to trace the descendents of the remaining children.

Thomas Harborow Inkson was born, lived and died [or at least was buried] in a small part of Norfolk, England although he did live in London for a while. We now know something about his life, thanks to the British Census. He produced at least three main Inkson family branches, one in Norwich, England, one in New Zealand and one in Southampton, England. Another two of his sons gave their lives for their country without leaving decendents, one in the Boer war and the other in WW1.

Thomas Harborow also had several daughters who had families but, of course, the Inkson name was not passed on through them. They are included here though and as many of their descendents as we know about.


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