The Descendents of JOHN INKSON 1814 - 1867

John Inkson was the youngest son of the Thomas Inkson - Ann Harborow marriage of 1801. He was born a full ten years after his brother William who also went on to found an Inkson dynasty.

There is an enigma in the parish records with respect to his birth. John, son of Thomas and Ann Inkson of Chapel St Kings Lynn [Thomas a butcher] was baptised on 6 January 1814 in St Margaret's where it was recorded that he was born on 1 January that year. Another John, son of John and Ann Inkson of Chapel St Kings Lynn [John a butcher] was baptised on 16 May 1814 in St Margaret's with his birth recorded as 1 May that year. The problem is that we don't have any record of a John and Ann in Kings Lynn at this time, let alone another butcher living on Chapel St. We do know of the equally enigmatic John and Jane Inkson who had a daughter Mary Ann in 1810 but that is all.

John was initially a seaman but later in life he is described variously as a 'cow keeper', milkman, green-grocer and farmer.

We know that he and Mary née Black, his wife, at least eleven children, nine of whom were boys. Two of the boys are known to have died in infancy. However, of his seven sons known to have reached adulthood, only the two youngest - Arthur Edward and Walter James - seem to have produced Inkson families into the twentieth century. Of the children of his oldest son, Frederick William, only the daughters seem to have gone on to produce children of their own.

One of his daughters, Mary Ann, married a Henry Martineau and appears in various census records, housing members of the Inkson family. The Martineaus do not appear to have had any children of their own. It is unclear what happened to his other daughter.

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229  -  Individuals
60  -  Surnames
67  -  Family Groups
1825  -  Earliest Birth Year
1989  -  Latest Birth Year


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